The endless room - is a puzzle game which was made in 5 days for the gamejam "Jam Off #1".

Can you get out of this endless LOOP?  Can you BREAK THE RULES of this game?

All you need to do is open a door with a lever and get out. Simple, isn't it?


A/D/arrow keys - Move

Space - Jump

Escape/P - Pause/Unpause (if it is difficult for you to press the button)

RMB - Activate a lever (if it is difficult for you to press the button)


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i love this!

the sprites are really good, though the walking cycle looks weird.

the puzzles are clever, and there is a lot of levels!

i especially love the camera!


Thanks! Were you confused by the position of arms in the walking animation or what?

i think its the way the legs move, it looks like the character is dancing?